Monday, 24 August 2009

Grandpa Sick

Yesterday my father get the call from kampung that told my granpa was sick,
its not suspend actly because my granpa selalu je sakit2, kesian jugak tgk,
but seriously i told that im not rapat with him. Maybe dia garang kot HAHA!
Dgr citer, my granpa puasa then he become sick , doc said that he was less water or mineral. Now while this entry i typed , he still hopitalized at Hostpital Kuala Kangsar. Hopefully he will be fine, pray for him. dah la bulan2 puasa macam ni. btw i cannot back to the kampung. yah everybody bz rite, my sister have her assgment to do, my brother have his exam and i also have a trial next week :D hah gila jea
tak baca buku. Moreover stay at house lagi la duduk depan pc jea . Keje yg cikgu bagi pon bukan boleh complete aku tak bawak buku balik =,=! hah lagi mencanakk ; so yg aku buat skrg pon math exersice , i knew that i weak in math so aku buat la banyak2. After this kene pergi kelas tambahan lagi. Penat o puasa, but for the knowledge kan
HAHA. scince and math today. pergh mana pecah kenapa otakk. Okay la sampai sini je la caw!

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